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NexVortex Registration issue

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Joined: Sun Mar 22, 2020 3:33 pm

NexVortex Registration issue

Post by SineNomiine »

According to NexVortex my Allworx 6x is failing to send credential to the registrar server.

NexVortex sends a 401 request and the 6X continues to send the same regiatration request without credentials attached. I have SIP registration required checked on the SIP proxy.

Has anyone run into this problem before? Any tips on troubleshooting?
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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:07 pm

Re: NexVortex Registration issue

Post by wshrader »

First things first. Always be on the most recent version possible.
Have you verified the login/username and password for the SIP proxy is correct? Is there a firewall or router between the Allworx and the Internet? In other words, is it in NAT/Firewall mode or LAN Host? If LAN Host, the firewall or router could be the problem. You could also do a packet capture for NexVortex if they are willing to help that much.
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