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Use PFK key to set day/night auto attendant

General installation and configuration help.
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Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2018 2:52 pm

Use PFK key to set day/night auto attendant

Post by phillirk »

I want to be able to be able to manually switch the phones from night to day and day to night mode using a PFK button programmed on an extension.

The specific extension is programmed to SCHEDULE on the PFK and it does highlight on and off when pressed. This extension has the auto attendant menus all checked.

I have 2 greetings: Greeting 0 for Open and Greeting 1 for Closed. Currently auto is set up with times established (schedule 1) because I am not able to switch it manually.

I have 2 auto attendants and they are both set up with menu shortcuts correctly.

Right now, I have both auto attendants set to Schedule 1, which is the automatic schedule for open and close. It is switching correctly but does not allow for a transfer by the caller.

Can both the manual and auto schedule be utilized? I thought the manual would override the auto schedule if we used the PFK button.

I am sure might be something not check or something easy, but I am having some kind of troubles here.
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