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Alworx server active/registered and warrantee statu

General installation and configuration help.
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Alworx server active/registered and warrantee statu

Post by tkugris »

I am trying to learn the difference between registered and activated. If I look at my equipment management page, 1 or 2 are listed as registered but not activated. I called TS yesterday and wasn't provided with a decent answer as to why.
I am also trying to see where the warrantee status of all my servers is. I had had 2 die in the last month and want to make sure all of my customers are under warrantee.
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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:07 pm

Re: Alworx server active/registered and warrantee statu

Post by wshrader »

Are you talking about Connect series servers? I believe registered means they would appear in the Allworx partner portal and activated means the server has sync'd with said portal allowing full use of the Feature Keys.
As far as warranty goes, you can to to Maintenance>Feature Keys to see the expiration dates for the hardware and software keys.
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