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Search found 3 matches
- Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:13 am
- Forum: Installation and Configuration Help
- Topic: Caller ID
- Replies: 5
- Views: 8380
Re: Caller ID
[/quote] That setting is for outbound calls from a user that is using the hot desk feature. It is for outbound calls when someone is hot desked in to another Allworx phone. The only way to do what you want to do would be to be on 8.2 or higher with Verge phones (unless you use some CRM/Tapi software...
- Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:58 pm
- Forum: Installation and Configuration Help
- Topic: Caller ID
- Replies: 5
- Views: 8380
Re: Caller ID
What model and firmware version is your Allworx? What services are you using for calls? SIP Proxy? POTS? Both of these depend upon the provider to pass Caller ID to the Allworx correctly. Model is Allworx 48x Firmware is We are using Sip Proxy I guess normal Caller ID isn't what I am looki...
- Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:23 pm
- Forum: Installation and Configuration Help
- Topic: Caller ID
- Replies: 5
- Views: 8380
Caller ID
I was wondering how to set up the caller id function. I see that it is in the video Allworx Basic Phone Features Part 2 of 2. We have outside salesmen that call in daily and it would be nice to have their name there when they call in. It would be nice if we could just look at the phone and see the n...