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Allworx CDR enhancement to track SIP calls

Unofficial Allworx enhancement requests.
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Joined: Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:21 am

Allworx CDR enhancement to track SIP calls

Post by ICNS01 »

The Allworx CDR format is Rich and consists of about 19fields (see image FieldDefinitions).
Compared to other PBXs however, it suffers from one major drawback: Its lack of support in the CDR for SIP trunking. This would normally be captured in the Source and Destination Device fields of the SMDR records. Notice from the official documentation the definitions of the fields:
6 Source Device String Unique identifier of the source of a call such as MAC, Analog port or T1 channel (if known) Port:01 Mac:00:0A:DD:81:01:01 Chan:01
10 Destination Device String Unique identifier of the destination of a call such as MAC, Analog port or T1 channel (if known) Port:08 Mac:00:0A:DD:82:02:02 Chan:01
There is absolutely no mention of SIP, and SIP is now the dominant form of trunking in most of the developed and even developing world.
When you examine the output of the cdr on SIP calls you would see that in all cases the source and destination DEVICE fields are blank. The Source and Destination DESCRIPTION fields is populated though, but it is not enough. At the very least, the IP address or some other identifier of the Source or Destination Device should be captured in the CDR.
This, imho, is a serious omission, which would hopefully be addressed soon.
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:07 pm

Re: Allworx CDR enhancement to track SIP calls

Post by wshrader »

You will only get discussion about this here from end users. No Allworx employess lurk here, unfortunately.
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