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Replacing Dead Allworx 6x

Support for Allworx Call Assistant, Mobile Link, and TAPI.
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Joined: Tue Sep 11, 2018 2:06 pm

Replacing Dead Allworx 6x

Post by abross86 »

We have an allworx 6x that completely died on us- no power lights, won't boot into safe mode, tried a new PSU with no luck.

We purchased a licensed second-hand 6x on ebay. Upon receipt, it seemed to be in good working condition and boots fine in both normal and safe mode.

I reset it to factory and restored it from a backup of the old 6x, but after restoring the backup it will only boot into safe mode. OfficeSafe shows that the restore was successful, but every time it tries to boot to normal mode it just goes back to safe mode. I tried with the original PSU and the new one, so it doesnt seem to be a power issue.

Any suggestions? Can I just move the CF card from the dead allworx to the new one instead of restoring a backup?
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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:07 pm

Re: Replacing Dead Allworx 6x

Post by wshrader »

Before restoring a backup from one server to another, you should first get the destination server up to at least the same version as the source. I have seen sometimes problems when the firmwares are far apart. To answer your specific question, yes, you should be able to try putting the CF card from the source into the destination server but I would still suggest you try to have the firmware match first.
Are you sure the CF Card from the "new" server is good? I've also seen where a restore is successful but it won't boot normally afterward.
Make sure you have an absolutely guranateed good power supply. A faulty power supply will make the server boot into safe mode too. Check the System Events for any clues and finally, connect to the console port and monitor the boot sequence (serial port 8-N-1 9600) to see what is actually happening during the boot sequence.
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