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PLEASE NOTE: Allworxforums.com is not owned, nor run by Allworx Corp. The views and opinions found on this forum are not necessarily the views of Allworx or the forum moderators. Neither Allworx nor the forum will be held liable for any information found on the forum. The Allworx logo and name is a registered trademark of Allworx Corp.
I have a remote site connecting back to HQ with MPLS. The remote site is trying to use call assistant by registering back to its LAN IP : 172.16.1.x . This works fine and in fact the call assistant also works fine with the exception of showing the "state" of other end users. ie..if Bob picks up his phone his name should be highlighted..If he puts himself on DND it should highlight his name a different color, and so on..This does not seem to work. I would immediately believe that this would be a port not being opened / allowed and blocking BLF traffic (port 2088) and would more then likely be on the firewall. This particular site while VLAN'ed as VOICE 160 and DATA 150 has no firewall. Simply PC''s daisy chained to there ALLWORX sets back to the POE then ALLWORX and finally ROUTER. Any thoughts on what could be possibly blocking this BLF traffic? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!