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Allworx 6x settings to replacement Allworx 6x

General installation and configuration help.
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Allworx 6x settings to replacement Allworx 6x

Post by sm3287 »

Hi everyone,

Nice to be here and hope I'm posting in the right forum. I think my question should be simple enough to answer to someone experienced in this field. I wasn't able to find anything in search results. So thought id ask people with experience in this matter.

Basically wondering if i can take all the settings of our current Allworx 6x and copy them to a replacement Allworx 6x with no real hassle. Looking to swap our current Allworx 6x with a new Allworx 6x unit.

I've read guides on how to backup/recover using Office Safe. I'm not sure if i can apply those steps to what I'm trying to do. If anyone has any input on this id appreciate it.

Thank you.
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