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Allworx 24x - random 9212's keeps ringing, won't connect, no soft reboots (help)

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Allworx 24x - random 9212's keeps ringing, won't connect, no soft reboots (help)

Post by DerrickF »

I have an Allworx 24x and 6x setup inside our network and it has been great, until recently.
The setup is Modem/Router - Allworx 24x and 6x - switch - 9212 phones
The problem slowly started happening without any changes/updates other than changing a modem/router combo unit even earlier than the problems began.
For DD, I temporarily tested the new unit in "unsecure mode" by opening up all ports, disabling firewall, etc. to see if any 24x traffic was being blocked/dropped and the bad behavior persisted.

So here are the bad behaviors:
  • Phones go offline randomly displaying can't load config files (red mute/DND) - softkey reboot does not fix, only unplugging power will fix
  • Phones will not connect to internal extensions - some will after 5-10 second wait, some never connect (sometimes external lines too)
  • Phone will randomly infinitely ring if call is missed and caller hangs up - have to cycle the receiver cradle button to stop the ringing

I am open to suggestions - I'm guessing the 24x is going bad? I can't find any other network component that is experiencing issues and other network functions are normal.
Also, the phones that experience this are random...I don't see a pattern.

Thanks for the help.
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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:07 pm

Re: Allworx 24x - random 9212's keeps ringing, won't connect, no soft reboots (help)

Post by wshrader »

First, the 24x is extremely beyond end-of-life. Since you can not go beyond v8.0.34.3 with the 24x, one must almost insist you upgrade both that and the 6x to Connect servers to get up to the latest v9.0 before even getting involved.

Let me get this right...you the changed the edge device and things broke? This sounds like SIP ALG which is always the go-to suspect for weird and inconsistent behavior with SIP applications. Check the new "modem/router" for this setting and disable it.

Be advised, you're skating on thin ice by using such an old obsolete model of Allworx. There is almost NO WAY you'll be able to get another one if it dies, assuming you have an OfficeSafe backup. You will also not be able to migrate to a another model without a working 24x so you'd better take care of that now while you can.
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