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Verge 9308 failed to load server config

General installation and configuration help.
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Verge 9308 failed to load server config

Post by user_8675309 »

I have a Verge 9308 that was working. The user told me they were getting a registration error on the phone, but were able to make and receive calls. I rebooted the phone and now it will not load the server config. The phone is on software version The server is a Connect 731 running

The steps I have tried so far.
Rebooted Phone- Failed
Reset to factory defaults- Failed
Reset again with AC adapter no ethernet. Setup Static IP, boot server, contact server, and SNTP IPs- Failed
Reset again with PoE. Used DHCP and set server IPs- Failed
I also removed the phone from the server and performed all the above tasks with the same failure. I am unable to browse to the phone's IP address. I can ping the phone though.

The phone is around 3 years old. Is there any troubleshooting I have missed before ordering a new phone?
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Re: Verge 9308 failed to load server config

Post by wshrader »

Are you using any VLANs?
If you set the phone with a static IP, connect it to the LAN, you can PING it but not access the web interface? Are you sure there isn't an IP conflict?
Have you tried this by connecting a PC or laptop directly to the phone and NOT to any other network?

What exactly is the failures or error messages for all the steps you tried above?
Lastly, is the phone still under warranty? They come with 1 year but if you purchased the 4-year extended then you still have some recourse to Allworx.
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Re: Verge 9308 failed to load server config

Post by user_8675309 »

No VLANs in use.
I have ensured there is no conflict with static IPs.
Have you tried this by connecting a PC or laptop directly to the phone and NOT to any other network?
I am not sure I am following on this. I have connected a laptop to the phone and when I have a network attached I can ping other items on the network until the phone reboots.

Exact error every time is "Server Configuration load failed. Initialization Failed."

The phone is not under any warranty.
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Re: Verge 9308 failed to load server config

Post by wshrader »

user_8675309 wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 10:37 am No VLANs in use.
I have ensured there is no conflict with static IPs.
Have you tried this by connecting a PC or laptop directly to the phone and NOT to any other network?
I am not sure I am following on this. I have connected a laptop to the phone and when I have a network attached I can ping other items on the network until the phone reboots.

Exact error every time is "Server Configuration load failed. Initialization Failed."

The phone is not under any warranty.
I thought you said you could PING the phone itself. Can you? It certainly seems like the phone itself is hosed but that's weird. You could try setting the PC port to mirror the 'network' port then capture all data during a reboot until failure with Wireshark. I can't tell you what this might reveal without looking at the capture but it might help reveal if the phone is at least communicating with the server. BTW, did you check the System Events on the server? Check it with the default options then also after checking the debug option. You can also do a packet capture from the Allworx server itself during a reboot of the phone and compare that to the capture from the phone itself.
If you have contact information for your local Allworx partner, they can open a ticket with Allworx to help troubleshoot this.
This all sounds like a lot of work and it might simply be quicker and easier to replace the phone. If you do that, make sure you get the extended warranty!
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Re: Verge 9308 failed to load server config

Post by user_8675309 »

My apologies, I can ping the phone from my PC. I can also ping a PC connected to the PC link port on the phone. So I know the ports are good.

I do not see anything in the Server Events log. I believe you are correct that the phone is just hosed. I have already purchased a new one for this user. I wanted to make sure I had exhausted all the normal troubleshooting steps. I appreciate your time and help trying to troubleshoot further.
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Re: Verge 9308 failed to load server config

Post by wshrader »

Let's review:
You connect the phone to the network. It obtains an IP by DHCP. From the same subtnet/VLAN, you can PING that IP address but cannot navigate to the web interface, even after factory defaulting the phone? I think that settles it.
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