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Remote site call routing

General installation and configuration help.
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Remote site call routing

Post by nbeyke »

Our district has a remote school that uses a different phone service provider. I recently discovered that they have a call forward set up on the phone number connected to a DID number. However, when the school calls out, the call routes through our Spectrum service at the main building where the Allworx servers are installed, so the caller ID shows it is coming from the main building, not the remote building.

The system was installed before I came to the district, so I know enough to do the basics. Can we route the calls from our remote building to show the correct caller ID? Our phones are set to display the correct caller ID on external calls, and the routing settings over the PRI show what the phone is set to display. Since it is a completely different service provider and there is no server at the remote location, I am not sure how or if it is possible to do this.
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Re: Remote site call routing

Post by wshrader »

IF and that's a big "IF" I understand this correctly, inbound calls to the remote site (phone company A) are forwarded to a number (DID) on the Spectrum service? Outbound calls are through Spectrum.

IF that is the case, Spectrum, and most dial tone providers now because of STIR/SHAKEN FCC rules will not allow outbound Caller ID of a number that does not reside on the account of the service provider. In other words, if phonenumberA is provided by providerA then providerB will not allow sending phonenumberA as Caller ID on its network.
If you are attempting to do this by setting the External Caller ID on each Call Appearance, I have seen that usually these calls would be denied by providerB. If these calls are allowed and providerB is simply replacing an unrecognized number with the main number then it might be up to the local Spectrum market to determine that behavior.

If I totally confused about my analysis let me know and clarify the circumstances, please.

IF I am correct, you should port phonenumberA to Spectrum.
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Joined: Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:20 am

Re: Remote site call routing

Post by nbeyke »

Yes, you did understand correctly. Unfortunately, Spectrum is not available at the remote site. There is only one provider at the remote location.

From my understanding, when the system was installed, a server should have been installed at the remote location to handle the incoming and outgoing calls, correct?
Posts: 200
Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:07 pm

Re: Remote site call routing

Post by wshrader »

nbeyke wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:44 am Yes, you did understand correctly. Unfortunately, Spectrum is not available at the remote site. There is only one provider at the remote location.

From my understanding, when the system was installed, a server should have been installed at the remote location to handle the incoming and outgoing calls, correct?
If the remote phones are registered directly with the one and only Allworx server then you don't need any dialtone provider at the remote site. That is what makes them 'remote phones'. Port that number to Spectrum. Calls will route through the existing Allworx to those remote phones. It sounds like you are paying for dialtone service and possibly forwarding usages charges that are not necessary.
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