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Allworx 6x and paging

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 9:29 pm
by Sniderj
I have allworx 6x setup with 5 phones
Works great

Want to add paging for a warehouse loud speaker at main location

Also have need to add 3 phones at remote location.
With second paging unit at remote location

Want paging units accessible from phones at both locations

Was going to use a coupe of sonic walls configured with vpn
Main site network
Remote site

Looking for direction in what hardware I would need to acomplish this task
Remote site would not exceed 3 phones and 1 paging unit

Main site will not exceed 6 phones and 1 paging unit

What hard ware do I need for paging at both sites and will the phones connect via the sonic wall vpn?
Or do I require additional hardware?

Thank you in advance
Joe snider