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Allworx 6X DNS Not Working

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:07 am
by bigbangtech
Running version, and things were running well for several months.

Now, suddenly, call fallback to landlines, and will not go through either sip proxy. System event log shows it can't lookup the domain name through DNS:

tDnsRemote: DNS Remote: Giving up trying to reach DNS Server 0x97CA0054

I also got this weird message acouple of times, may be unrelated:
tSip: <PAL UDP Send> Failure writing to (0x421781FD 124) errno:364

If I reboot the 6x, dns works for a few minutes, then starts throwing errors and calls stop going in/out

I had used google dns servers, and thought they were flaky, so went back to using Verizon dns, rebooted, everything worked ok for a week, now dns is failing again.

I changed to sip registration and used an IP address instead of FQDN, and calls work ok in/out, but I still get dns errors in the log.


Re: Allworx 6X DNS Not Working

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:15 pm
by AlexJensen
There is a newer version of 7.7 out that has a resolution for a DNS issue. Don't know if it is your particular issue but it may help to upgrade.

Re: Allworx 6X DNS Not Working

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 5:40 pm
by thedude
Make sure you fill in real DNS servers for it to use instead of trying to do its own. I use google at and

Re: Allworx 6X DNS Not Working

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:10 am
by ReneFunga
Thank you, thedude.

Re: Allworx 6X DNS Not Working

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:56 pm
by thedude
No Problem, I presume putting in the DNS solved the problem?

Re: Allworx 6X DNS Not Working

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:10 pm
by bigbangtech
No, changing the dns servers didn't do anything. Ongoing issues, tried lots of things.

Discovered that the cat5 coming from fios ONT to allworx WAN had some bare copper showing, so I replaced that run. Everything was fine for a week, then started getting dns errors.

Next, I switched the internet connection and IP that is connected to the allworx wan port. The verizon ONT has 8 network jacks, so I swapped 1 and 2

So far it has been a few days, and there have been no dns errors, let's see if I can make it past a week.

But, started getting this error today, about every 5 minutes in the log for two phones. Does anyone know what this means?
<PAL UDP Send> Failure writing to 192.168.x.x