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Call routing and Schedules

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 2:23 pm
Hello All,

I'm new to Allworx and new to this forum, and i'm in need of some help.

I have a did that was setup by the original company that setup our allworx phone system (they have gone out of business). The did is routed to an aa but i can't find the number listed in the Direct inward dial blocks.
I see multiple blocks and some did's have 100 numbers associated with it. I know the number exists Because if i dial it i get the AA. My questions are
How do i modify this number if i can't see it listed as one of the DID's?
and My End Goal would be to create this number to do the following

• From 6 AM to 11 PM Monday – Saturday I need the number to ring to our sales floor group.
• From 11 PM to 6 AM Monday – Saturday I need the number to forward all calls to a cell
• Every Sunday I need the number to forward all calls to a cell

is this possible?

Thanks in advance

Re: Call routing and Schedules

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:22 pm
by star3132

If it's a DID, then i'd assume it has to be *somewhere* in the Outside Lines configuration in one of the DID blocks. Maybe that DID is forwarded to some other DID that is coming into the Allworx? Can you make a call into the Allworx and then check the "Live Calls" to see if you see it listed?

For scheduling, the only way I know to do it is through the Auto Attendant (if you're licensed for it), where you can have it do different greetings and tie it to a schedule. But you can't do different options for different times of day. But you could set the recording if it's where it comes into sales floor group time say "Press 1 for Sales", and other times say "Press 2 for Sales" and then configure 1 to go to Sales Floor Group, configure 2 to go to Cell.

Just a thought.

Re: Call routing and Schedules

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:46 am
thanks for getting back to me. I'm making progress on viewing DID's. I'm still having a hard time understanding there call routing but I'm working through it.