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Connect 536 WAN Route Multi-Site

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 8:26 pm
by eddieb

How do we set up the system in such a way that will allow us to use the internet on the LAN port (eth0), but simultaneously use the WAN port (eth1) for all the phone calls?

See here is the issue:
eth0 (WAN) -- Dedicated T1 for phone calls
eth1 (LAN) -- Dedicated Internet connection that has Ia VPN site-to-site to another location

eth0 is set up with the correct gateway/route given by the SIP company in order to allow the phones on eth1 to make calls. However, eth0 has no internet connectivity, it's strictly for SIP only.

eth1 though, being the local network and where all the phones sit, has internet connection.

If i change the default route gateway on Allworx to be the IP address of the LAN, then the allworx can access the network (do updates, establish multi-site and so forth), but then it can't make phone calls. Once I change the default route gateway back to SIP provider, then no more internet access, but can make phone calls.

So my question really is ... How can I set up the allworx to allow for phone calls to be routed properly through eth0 (wan), but route everything else through eth1.

Sorry if this is confusing......

Running Allworx Connect 536 on software 8.2

Re: Connect 536 WAN Route Multi-Site

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 10:52 am
by eddieb
Hi all .. I figured it out.

If you have a dedicated SIP ONLY WAN link on your allworx ... all you need to do is set a static route for the ip scheme with your local gateway.

Good luck
