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Park Broken After Power Outage

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:29 am
by scottap
We have an Allworx 6x on 8.2 firmware. Had a power outage a few weeks ago, and since then Park does not work right. We can park a call, but it will just vanish from the park PFK seconds later, although the call is actually still parked because we can dial into the park extension and get the call. We've updated firmware, reboots, new power supply, rebooted all network equipment, restored from a backup from before the power outage. The only thing we haven't done is replace the CF card. The unit is under warranty and we might pursue that option at this point. If we reboot, park works fine for a few minutes, but then the issue returns. Any ideas?

Re: Park Broken After Power Outage

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 3:24 pm
by scottap
Still haven't figured it out, even after a warranty replacement on the 6x. I was out there the other day and not only can I still not access the switch web UI, but it will not allow me to factory reset it. Something is definitely off. We have a spare POE switch at the office. I'm going to throw it in and see what happens after that. Maybe the issue is the switch. I connected the phone server directly to an ethernet port on the firewall to bypass the switch, but all the phones are still going through the switch, so there's a lot of phone traffic going all over. I'll let you know what happens!

Re: Park Broken After Power Outage

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 3:20 pm
by scottap
I installed a spare Netgear 48 port POE switch just about a week ago, and the problem has not yet recurred. I thought for sure it would, though. The problem has always come back, without fail, after a few hours of rebooting the phone server. We're going to wait through this Friday, and if everything is still good, we'll quote a new switch.

Their current switch is a Netgear JGS model, and for some reason I cannot access its web UI, and I also cannot reset it with the factory reset button on the front. Nothing at all happens when I press the button. These two factors indicate to me the the switch is not operating 100% proper. Maybe the recent power outage did that. They need a bigger switch anyway as they are entirely out of available ports on their 24 port model.

For what it's worth, the spare switch is a Netgear GS752TP (the older blue model).