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ALGO Pager Alerter settings - working paging through multicast [set to unmanaged]

General installation and configuration help.
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ALGO Pager Alerter settings - working paging through multicast [set to unmanaged]

Post by justingoldberg »

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admin.devname = sipalerter
admin.keyui = 1
admin.lang = en
admin.pwd = algo
admin.voice = en
admin.welcome = 1
audio.mcast.mode = 3
audio.mcast.zone =
audio.menu.vol = 1
audio.noise.level = 66
audio.noise.use = 0
audio.page.mode = 0
audio.page.timeout = 0
audio.page.tone = page-notif.wav
audio.page.vol = 4
audio.relay.mode = 0
audio.ring.tone = warble2-med.wav
audio.ring.vol = 4
audio.spk.mode = 0
audio.test.mode = 0
log.level = error
log.method = local
log.server = 
log.size = 100
net.dhcp.timeout = 60
net.dhcp.use = 1
net.discovery = 1
net.dns1 = 
net.dns2 = 
net.gateway = 
net.http = 1
net.ip = 
net.mask = 
net.time = 
net.vlan.id = 
net.vlan.priority = 
net.vlan.use = 0
prov.dhcp.use = 9
prov.download.method = tftp
prov.server.method = static
prov.server.static = 
prov.use = 1
sip.alert1.auth = xxxx
sip.alert1.event = 
sip.alert1.mode = 
sip.alert1.pwd = xxxx
sip.alert1.user = xxxx
sip.diffport = 0
sip.ka.method = 0
sip.ka.period = 30
sip.mwi.event = 0
sip.mwi.mode = 0
sip.obproxy = 
sip.proxy = x.x.x.x
sip.regexp = 3600
sip.registrar = 
sip.stun = 
sip.u1.auth = 
sip.u1.pwd = 
sip.u1.user = 
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