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Verge phones not registering on Connect 731

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 8:33 am
by bcallwx
Suddenly, the 4 Verge phones in my environment will no longer register with my Connect 731, version

They were working just fine, but suddenly they will not register. They are receiving DHCP from the Connect on the same VLAN. There are 25 9204G phones that register fine - it's just these Verge phones that won't retrieve their configs.

What the heck?!

Re: Verge phones not registering on Connect 731

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 2:37 pm
by wshrader
Something must have changed. Do they phone indicate at all that they communicate with the server? During bootup, you can see on the screen if this happens or not. You can log into the phone GUI and check the logs. What do they say? Does the server system events reveal anything?

Re: Verge phones not registering on Connect 731

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 2:27 pm
by bcallwx
The Verge phones won't let me login to their GUI's. The Connect PBX shows the MAC address in the DHCP server. I get no logs in System Events in Debug mode. The phone itself just says "Server configuration load failed. Initialization failed."

Brought the Verge phones to another Allworx box running lesser firmware version, they registered with no issue. Brought them back and they won't register. I was hoping it was a phone issue, seems like a PBX issue. No weirdness on the switches, either. Simple layer 2 setup with a voice VLAN.

Did the recent update to, no effect.

Re: Verge phones not registering on Connect 731

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:47 pm
by bcallwx
Well, I feel like a complete moron.

I had a static route setup for the same network. Apparently, the Verge phones don't like that. I noticed that the OfficeSafe backup hadn't run in over a month and couldn't talk to that server. Basic networking 101 to the rescue.

Re: Verge phones not registering on Connect 731

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:36 pm
by wshrader
I'm glad to hear you resolved it and told us the solution!