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set up dial plan for 2 different co lines

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Joined: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:15 am

set up dial plan for 2 different co lines

Post by glam »

Hi everyone, I have an allworx 6x running I have 2 sets of CO lines going to 2 different carriers and I need to set up the allworx to route the call to right carrier based on the number dialed. I've set up the 2 service groups in the dial plan section.

I could just set up a leading digit like "9" for one service group and "8" for the 2nd service group if that is eaiser but I don't see that option in

I've tried setting up the dial plan to use one service group for certain area codes and the other service group for other area codes but that doesn't seem to work either.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
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