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Polycom IP 4000 help!

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:12 am
by rymaltech
Hello all,

I'm trying to setup an IP 4000 conference phone as a generic SIP handset. I just recently installed 3 IP 5000's with no real problems, but the older 4000 is giving me grief. No matter what I try, the phone constantly fails to register. This is the error from the system event report:

"tSip: SIP: INVITE from discarded (not trusted)"

I have tried setting the SIP loginID and password to the same 4 digits as the user ID, as suggested in a previous post. Unfortunately, it did not help. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.


Re: Polycom IP 4000 help!

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:59 pm
by liftow
I've got the 5000 working as well. No experience with the 4000.
Firmware up to date?
I recall coming across something in the documentation that made me glad I had a 5000 and not anything older, but I don't recall the specifics.