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Phones going dead during a call - HELP!

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Joined: Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:36 pm

Phones going dead during a call - HELP!

Post by gary.monk »

I have a situation where the phone goes dead for 5 - 10 seconds during a call. When this happens the person on the other end cannot hear what is being said. Sometimes it goes on so long that they hang up. It is happening on multiple phones. It started yesterday afternoon. I updated the software last night and it's still happening (the update had nothing to do with this problem). We are now on the latest software update. This is a critical situation for us.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

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Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:35 pm

Re: Phones going dead during a call - HELP!

Post by liftow »

Does this happen if calling another handset on the same Allworx server? (internal call)
Or only when using an outside line?

What is being used for the outside lines? Analog, PRI, SIP?
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