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Remote phone in another country

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:44 am
by ProgressiveAdmin
We're trying to set up a 9212 as a Remote Phone in our office overseas, but seem to be having some issues. We're running a 48X in LAN Host mode, behind an Astaro firewall. We have one other remote phone working elsewhere (still within CONUS), and I've taken this particular phone home to test it's connection remotely.

In the overseas location, they've tried it both in the office, as well as at a home location. In both places, it stops at "init/file load failed". Unless I'm mistaken, I take this to mean that the phone either can't locate/communicate with our site, or it's timing out before finishing. At the home location, it's being plugged directly into the cable modem/router with no other devices connected (so I wouldn't expect an address conflict), with a 1 Mb connection in both directions. I decided to start troubleshooting with this location, as it's much simpler, with less variables to confuse things.

Is this something as simple as adjusting our Global SIP Connection value? Ours is currently set to 120, which I'm guessing is a seconds value. Or could it be something else entirely? Any help would be appreciated, especially as this is a very high visibility item, and I feel a bit like I'm fumbling in the dark.

Re: Remote phone in another country

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:15 pm
by liftow
It's not the Global SIP Connection value. This is the maximum number of simultaneous VoIP calls to allow across all internet connections.

Do you have a static IP setup that they are connecting to, or a domain name? If domain, can they resolve the address to the correct IP from a computer on that ISP?

Do you have port 80 opened? Can they access the My Allworx Manager webpage?

Was the phone setup locally and then shipped out to remote location?
If it has never been connected what is the status of "Phone Creates via WAN (Remote Phone) Plug and Play" under VoIP Server settings?

Re: Remote phone in another country

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:54 pm
by ProgressiveAdmin
These are the settings on the phone that are changed from default:

DHCP: Disabled
VLAN: Disabled
Auto NAT: On
Remote Plug ā€˜nā€™ Play: XXXXXX
Netmask IP:

We didn't have an extra external IP to use for the Allworx, so the Boot IP is the firewall, with a few NAT rules set up.

Unfortunately, port 80 was already being used by the firewall. The only way people outside the building can access their My Allworx Manager page is via VPN with all traffice routed through our server (not an ideal setting for everyday use).

The phone was initially set up as a local phone, then programmed as a remote phone. I tested it from my home connection the day before I sent it out, with no issues, and it successfully pulled down updates that had happened since it was last checked.

Re: Remote phone in another country

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:54 am
by liftow
What if you try setting up a Generic SIP Handset and use a softphone like X-Lite on a computer overseas to see if they can connect from the same network. Might be easier to trouble-shoot with network tools on the computer rather than the Allworx phone.

You mentioned phone was hooked up direct to a home modem/router. Your phone settings have DHCP disabled. Was the LAN IP of the phone configured properly for the home network? What if you enable DHCP on the phone?

Re: Remote phone in another country

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:50 am
by justingoldberg
Try putting the allworx in front of the firewall. This will tell you which firewall is having trouble.