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Analog Lines and DTMF

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:25 pm
by voodoo_ca
Hi Everyone,

I have had an Allworx system for a while now - set most of it up myself without many problems.
I am having issues with what I have found out is the DTMF - for example when I am in a phone menu while on a call, I cannot "press 1 to speak with an operator".
It seems to be only certain systems that I dial into.

Should I simply try changing the settings under each of the FXO lines - Pre Dial Delay, DTMF Duration, and DTMF Gap?

Anyone experience this before?


Re: Analog Lines and DTMF

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 10:32 am
by 8Ball
Hey Voodoo:

Depending upon the version of firmware you have, the most configuration Allworx provides will be to the DTMF settings (gap and duration). You may also want to experiment with the "Enable Echo Cancellation" and "Optimize for short loops." With regards to the optimizing of the loops, that would obviously depend if you're handed of a loop from an FXS port on the premise versus an analog trunk that is a true "last mile" run back to the CO.

I have run into this issue when customers have analog CO lines that are handed off via carrier equipment located on the customer premise. This is usually done via a FXS port on an Internet access device (IAD) such as an Adtran or Cisco.

I've had to go in and tweak DTMF settings in the IAD when the carrier allows access which is not often. Otherwise, we've been at the mercy of the carrier's tech support.

Re: Analog Lines and DTMF

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:57 pm
by AoiEMT
Hey there, I am new to the phone world and trying to figure out if we need to optimize for a short loop or not?

The phone lines are right next to the machine however I think those wind up routing to a larger switchboard elsewhere (we are one building on a large shipyard).

We have a strange problem with lines not hanging up correctly, could this be caused by that?