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All inbound calls have no audio suddenly on SIP

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:54 pm
by ihatecommunications
Allworx 6x has been working flawlessly for 3 years now with the same SIP Proxy. Suddenly today I get the following error message in system events:

WARNING 10 seconds with no received audio packets. PROV-ID (1100)***

I get this on every inbound call, when you call into the system it's nothing but dead air. A line lights up and the call is active and answered by the AA, after a periord of time the prompt is pressed and it transfers to my cell in the call route as that is what is defined in the AA if no response in 8 seconds for a time out. Yet no audio can be heard at all by the calling party.

Out bound calls are fine, nothing was changed and 8x8 claims all is good. Both the Allworx and timewarner have been rebooted and the system is in NAT with stealth DMZ.

Any ideas???

Re: All inbound calls have no audio suddenly on SIP

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:24 pm
by ryano
I'm guessing your Allworx is acting as a firewall, and you don't have another thirdparty between your allworx and the WAN? If so you might want to go to maintenance > tools and do a WAN interface packet capture while reproducing the problem. You can download wireshark for free to analyze the packets. It's a bit techie of a tool but you can look at youtube vids to learn the basics of how to analyze the traffic. Things to look for would be if the backets are even reaching your Allworx from 8x8, or if 8x8 has some kind of error code. The other explanation is your internet connect is problematic, perhaps packet loss. If you don't have guaranteed internet bandwidth w/SLA, then this can happen. Even with an SLA you're internet provider may not have a good peer-to-peer relationship with 8x8's internet provider, which can result in problems. This is of course a whole other conversation...