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Auto Attendant Default Extension Timeout

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 7:57 pm
by SunLink
Hi, I have a 24x running I am trying to configure an auto attendant so it reads a message, if the caller presses 1 it goes to an extension and if not then it automatically goes to a default extension. This is all easy to set up, however the pause it waits after the message is an awkward 8 seconds long. Is there any way to set this to only 2-3 seconds? Or is there just a different way I can do the same thing?

Re: Auto Attendant Default Extension Timeout

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:42 pm
by SunLink
Don't you love it when you run into a problem, start googling around and find a post that is the exact problem you are having! Only to find it was from the last time you had the same problem... And no one answered that time either... :roll:

Anyway, I am still having this issue half a year later. Does anyone have any advice?

Re: Auto Attendant Default Extension Timeout

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:52 am
by Swabodda
Not sure if you fixed this issue already, but in my system (48x) I navigate to Phone System > Auto Attendants > Modify (The autoattendant you're using) and I have a drop-down for "After X seconds with no input:" that I can change. 8 seconds is the default in my system but can be changed to anything from 1 to 15 seconds.