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Multi-site audio problems

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:00 am
by tscohinc
I have an Allworx system in US and 1 in the UK. Eveything works great except for our remote phones. No fire walls in front of either sites. When calling the UK from a remote phone in the US the audio reaches UK. We can hear them but they can not hear us. Any suggestions to fix this problem.

Re: Multi-site audio problems

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 6:44 pm
by ryano
I don't see how you would not have a firewall in front of your remote phone in the UK. How is your phone getting out to the internet?
Unless you have a static VPN between your two networks, and by remote you just mean the phone isn't located in the same location as the phone system?

Remote phones are a specific concept in the Allworx language which means the phone is on the internet.
If that's the case with you, then your phone would have a firewall in front unless it's directly connected to the internet modem. This would be a really bad idea as you don't have any protection from hackers getting access to your phone and using it to make calls.

And even a lot of these modems have their own built in firewalls.

So, if your remote phone is actually behind a firewall, then one feature that might help is:
Force Remote Phone audio through server
(You can look it up in the Allworx Administration guide

I also suggest you read up on the chapter called, "Remote Allworx Phones and Port expanders".
It talks about the ports that need to be forwarded like BLF udp port 2088, SIP udp port 5060, and RTP range 16384-16393.

Some firewalls also do some weird stuff that cause cause 1-way audio. You can read up on disabling SIP ALG. But I think that applies more to the Allworx phone system itself, if it's sitting behind a third party firewall.