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Report Management

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 9:15 am
I was going to ask "how do you print the Allworx reports" (other than with your browser's print button)? However, I realized need more than that. Is there any way to export the reports into a spreadsheet? Specifically I'm looking at the User's report, but it would also be helpful for the Phone Number to Extension Mapping.

Being able to print the Configuration report and put it in a binder somewhere would help not only me but the person who comes after me.

Re: Report Management

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 11:51 am
by doom1701
We've copied and pasted a lot for this kind of documentation. I know, doesn't help much.

I'd love to have a bulk import and export utility--not only would it help for situations like this, but in our initial setup we had to do a LOT of typing to setup almost 300 different extensions. At least the Outside Lines interface allows you to enter a range...we've got close to 1000 different DIDs that we own...

Re: Report Management

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 12:25 pm
You're a better man than I am. I'm just trying to document a system I've inherited and hand jamming ain't gonna happen. Quite aside from the fact that no-one thought to establish a naming convention, I can't sort by extension. At least then I could use auto fill one column in Excel.

Re: Report Management

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 9:21 am
I've discovered the secret. By accident, of course.

The configuration report actually generates an XML document (note: It labels the report .xls so if you're using something other than Excel, like OpenOffice for instance, you'll have to rename the file). It use to extension was pretty much cut and paste. DID to extension was a little more difficult. There was a DID Routing Plans table but I still had to go into the Outside Lines page and actually open the Dial Plans to make sure I got the associations correct.