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Busy Signal when extension in use

Unofficial Allworx enhancement requests.
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Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:06 am

Busy Signal when extension in use

Post by nschafer »

We've just purchased an Allworx phone system and this is my most annoying issue. When you call an extension and the user is on the phone, there is no indication that they are on the phone. It just rings and goes to voice mail. You don't know if they are on the phone, out of the office, or what. I would much rather have a busy signal or at least an indication on the display that the extension is in use. While we are at it, If the user has a presence set, show that on the display. I mean really what is the point of the presence system if no-one can see those presences. Yes I know you can have a separate voice mail greeting for each presence, but so far no one at my offices use that except for the vacation greeting.

Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:14 am

Re: Busy Signal when extension in use

Post by leetrans »

Great points!! Some indication in the ring is a great idea or an on screen indicator. You can use call assistant or interact to see who is and isn't on the phone, but generally not everyone will have access to that software.
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