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One user profile has no ALlworx shortcut - no poermissions?

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Joined: Tue Oct 08, 2019 3:24 pm

One user profile has no ALlworx shortcut - no poermissions?

Post by 8188MM »

W have a machine with Interact Pro and there are about 10 profiles on this machine and all users are able to login to windows, then login to allworx. The shortcut appears on all profiles aside from one. There is no GPO or AD OU that the allworx users are in.

When I login as the one user, no shortcut is there and when I search for allworx it shows the app but it is white like blank, and says something about permissions when I try. I try to open another user shortcut and get the same issue. What would cause one profile to not have access to interact?
Posts: 194
Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:07 pm

Re: One user profile has no ALlworx shortcut - no poermissions?

Post by wshrader »

Interact may have been installed before that user profile existed is my guess. By the way, that is an old version. Current is v4.4
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