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Allworx 48x, after two calls won't pass any more calls

General installation and configuration help.
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Joined: Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:29 am

Allworx 48x, after two calls won't pass any more calls

Post by kshymkiw »

Hey all,

I work for an ISP and we purchased an Allworx 48x a little over a year ago to certify with our SIP Trunk offering. We are doing some new features, and would like to recertify the Allworx works in this configuration. I have the device configured and working without issues, except for after I make 2 calls (doesn't matter where those calls go) the INT Drive Activity light starts flashing, and the unit won't process anymore calls until rebooted. I am able to ping the Allworx during this time, but the Web Interface doesn't work either.

I am on version

I also noticed my upgrade license key has expired, so my questions are these:

1) Is this some sort of "feature" to get you to buy an upgrade license?
2) If so is there any way around this outside of rebooting the unit after every 2 calls?
3) Is this isn't an issue - has anyone seen this issue before?
4) Is there any way to downgrade my unit to the previous software version, for testing purposes at this point?


Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:09 pm

Re: Allworx 48x, after two calls won't pass any more calls

Post by thedude »

If you have a back up of the system with a previous release of software you can restore that.

If you are an ISP that offers trunking you may be able to reach out to allworx for a temp update key.
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