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Configuring 48x for Dedicated SIP Trunk & Mobile App

General installation and configuration help.
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Configuring 48x for Dedicated SIP Trunk & Mobile App

Post by JustAnotherUser »


I have a 48x with PRI service connected to my LAN in LAN HOST MODE and nothing connected to the WAN port. Everything is working fine, including the Mobile App.

My PRI provider has jumped the cost sky high so it's time to dump PRI and go with a SIP trunk. Specrum can provide a SIP Trunk with a box that provides an ethernet port connection.

I am assuming I can use the WAN port to connect the Specrum SIP device for SIP service. Need help with ...

- I am looking for a guide to configure the 48x for SIP trunk directly to the system. Everything I find assumes the SIP service is coming through the Internet to the LAN port of the 48x. I don't see any settings to tell the 48x to use the WAN port for SIP service and not to use the LAN port.

- If we connect and setup the SIP trunk on the WAN Port, will that disrupt the Mobile App functionality outside the network since it needs to use SIP/5060 out the LAN port to the Intenet to the Mobile App.

Thank you very much for your guidance.

Just another user
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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:07 pm

Re: Configuring 48x for Dedicated SIP Trunk & Mobile App

Post by wshrader »

Is it Spectrum?
You can configure the WAN port for direct connection to the SBC. It does not require a true public IP address. Leave the Allworx in LAN Host mode. Be sure to keep the gateway as is in the network settings. If it is Spectrum, the Innomedia SBC will use a private IP address which will be what the customer specifies or something in 172.x.x.x. I have seen typically that the SBC will be 172.x.x.1 and the WAN interface of the Allworx would be set static to 172.x.x.2. Configure the Outside Lines to use the SBC as a SIP Proxy or Gateway. I admit I don't recall when one would be used over the other but either works from my experience. Be sure to keep the gateway in Network Configuration to the your Internent gateway/router/firewall. In other words, no don't change it.
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