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Lost in the Dark

Support for Allworx Call Assistant, Mobile Link, and TAPI.
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Joined: Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:09 pm

Lost in the Dark

Post by Knoxtech »

Hey there guys,

Long time searcher of threads and first time poster. I'm with an MSP and we took over a client with an Allworx system. My background previously is with Star2Star phones via the MSP I work for. I've managed to self-teach myself majority of the issues that come up like changing VMs, new phones/extensions/users, assigning DIDs, call flow, etc. etc., everything to keep us up and going. I've put in phones but have always done it from scratch and they've all been 9212Ls. The HR/Management decided to increase the number of people taking calls so we had to buy 3 refurb 9224s. Trying to learn about the system more, I entered in the MACs for the 3 new 9224s that were replacing three current users on their 9212s. Rather than just manually enter in everything, I did the replace function. All phones are up and working but now none of the lines can park. I did a hour long stare and compare against a working model and one of these and found no differences in settings between user, extension, handset itself & speed dials. Anyone have an idea where to go from here? Allworx was...less than helpful; This system was installed by a now defunct company and the guy who is in charge of referring me to a new partner hasn't picked up the last 5 times i've called.
Posts: 196
Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:07 pm

Re: Lost in the Dark

Post by wshrader »

Allworx should be able to refer you to partners in your area. If you're not a partner, that could explain the unsatisfactory result of consulting their technical support.
None of the lines can Park? Do you mean Line Appearances or Call Appearances? What happens when you use the Park button?

The only thing that immediately comes to mind about Park not working is if the handsets are on a newer firmware than the server. As of v8.5, if I remember correctly) they will downgrade to match the server. So the question is, and this should always be stated in a post, which model and what version are you using? First things first. Update to the newest version possible. You can update to v8.4 without a feature key for free, as long as you have the update files. These can only be obtained by valid partners from Allworx.
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