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Allworx SMTP & domain misconfiguration

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Allworx SMTP & domain misconfiguration

Post by jhughes88 »

Hi Everyone,

First post here and hoping someone here can help me, I'm not very familiar with Allworx but I've inherited an Allworx 48x v8.2 and it seems the previous IT person never changed the default domain from @allworx.inscitek.com.

One of the owners complaints is that the voicemail emails always go to spam because they send from login@allworx.inscitek.com and fail spam checks. So after setting up an external smtp server I realized that all the voicemails are being forwarded to login@allworx.inscitek.com in addition to the aliases that are setup. So I have 3 questions:

1. Have these voicemail emails been sending to login@allworx.inscitek.com since the system was setup or by setting up the external SMTPT are they only now sending outside the Allworx device.

2. Who owns the domain inscitek.com, seems they might be receiving all these emails and not sure if they belong to the good people at Allworx or if that domain could have fallen in more nefarious hands. FYI the mx records for @allworx.inscitek.com point to godaddy's smtp servers which have an option to receive emails for anything before the @ so it's possible every emails sent to @allworx.inscitek.com is ending up in someone's possession.

3. Can I change the domain to fix this issue or is that opening up a bigger can of worms.

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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:07 pm

Re: Allworx SMTP & domain misconfiguration

Post by wshrader »

I would also like to know the answers to your questions. How the E-mail features of the Allworx works has counfounded me forever with respect to the domain value and also regarding the fact that if you do not set any custom settings under Servers>E-mail it usually still works. This is a prime example of non-existent documentation on system function. Allworx admin guides do not contain details like this.
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