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Vintage Talkback overhead Paging system to Allworx

General installation and configuration help.
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Vintage Talkback overhead Paging system to Allworx

Post by shelbyh »

I have a Executone Model 4402002 Talkback paging amplifier and I need it to connect to the Allworx 48x and have the talkback feature work. Any Ideas???? I've heard to connect the paging amp to the line out and the talk back to a FXO port. But the amp has a "tel line 600 ohm" 1 pair connection to the existing phone system. I think it is functioning like a analog handset but I can't get it to function correctly.
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Re: Vintage Talkback overhead Paging system to Allworx

Post by justingoldberg »

Perhaps this might answer,

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