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Configure X-Lite for both work and home networks?

General installation and configuration help.
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Joined: Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:44 am

Configure X-Lite for both work and home networks?

Post by IotaPete »

I found the X-Lite how-to from Shelby Helms to be the only guide on the net that let me get X-Lite working with Allworx, but it doesn't say how to configure the softphone to automatically or manually switch between internal (behind the firewall) and external (through a VPN) networks.

Is it possible to configure X-Lite (or another free SIP client) to automatically connect no matter what network my laptop is connected to?
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Re: Configure X-Lite for both work and home networks?

Post by liftow »

If you have an internal DNS server, setup with a domain you own. Create an A record (phone.domain.com for example) to point to your internal IP. Create same record with your external DNS server (probably your domain registrar) with the external IP address.
Then just use that domain name in X-Lite.

Or a VPN solution would work so you can connect from home to your work network.
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