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Same First Name Employees not found for Dial By Name

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Same First Name Employees not found for Dial By Name

Post by dholder »

I was not an employee when the Allworx system was installed, so I have inherited it's administration. The naming convention for system "user name" was implemented as the full first name of the employee. I already had a user named "scott" when I recently added a second user with the same first name. I named the second user "scotte", appending the first letter of his last name. The user recorded greeting message in Auto Attendant contains all the prompts, and the options are: Dial by Name Menu (#1): enabled; Dial-By-Name Prompt: do not play (this is part of the user recorded Message Greeting); Dial-By-Name Spell Option: Spell First or Last Name; Dial-By-Directory Menu (#2): disabled; all remaining system prompts were set to: do not play. After scotte was added, when the dial by name option was selected and the first letters of of "Scott" were entered, the system would automatically dial scottf, without further selection between the 2 Scott's. To try to troubleshoot the problem, I renamed the First Name property in user "scott" to something completely different. That did change how the system responded, because from that time forward, the name Scott has not been recognized as an available name. I have tried various changes, to no avail. All other employee names are working.. it is rather weird, though, that after dialing a few letters, the system immediately transfers to the system chosen extension, with no further prompts. We do have user names that, though a different alpha letter, are on the same key set when spelling the name.
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