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Vlans and paging

General installation and configuration help.
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Joined: Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:21 am

Vlans and paging

Post by swakefield »

I am currently going through a RE-IP of my network. I am switching my ports at the switch level to access and have them on a vlan. My phone system is still on the original network, which is just a flat non vlanned network. The phones show up fine in the allworx admin page with the new vlan IP addresses, the only issue I am currently running into is that paging doesn't work for phones that are on the new vlan. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
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Re: Vlans and paging

Post by KeithH »

We are in the same boat. Our Allworx 536 is on VLAN 1, and our phones are on VLAN 10, and we get no pages. Calling and everything else works great. If we move two or more phones over to VLAN 1, then paging works correctly. Any phones that are on VLAN 10, paging does not work. We want to leave everything configured the way it is now with phones on the separate VLAN than the 536. If nothing else, assistance with having the phones on the same VLAN as the 536 and not have issues with call quality would be greatly appreciated.
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Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:07 pm

Re: Vlans and paging

Post by wshrader »

Why would you not want the phone server on the voice VLAN?
The Connect 536 has 3 Ethernet ports. You can configure one of those as the voice VLAN for communication with the phones and the other Ethernet ports for adminstrative access if that's what you need.
You can also mess with the multi-cast (paging) address under Servers>VoIP Server to see if that helps.
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